growing recognition

美 [ˈɡroʊɪŋ ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn]英 [ˈɡrəʊɪŋ ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn]
  • 越来越多的认可
growing recognitiongrowing recognition
  1. There has been a growing recognition of this in the past year .


  2. There is a growing recognition of the need for more preventive treatment .


  3. Automatic processing of information , information exchange and network working style has been growing recognition and application .


  4. There 's a growing recognition that this country can no longer afford to be a nuclear power .


  5. There is growing recognition that we should abolish segregation .


  6. Now it is a growing recognition that transferring the teachers ' way of thinking is one of the keys of successful education reform .


  7. Today , the power of Core competence of corporations in the market has been growing recognition by the business community and the theory community .


  8. The confusion in India is unlikely to hamper the growing recognition of the MiM , however .


  9. Yet there is also a growing recognition among many Chinese that private groups are needed to help respond to crises that stretch official resources .


  10. She says the increase reflects a growing recognition on the part of students and government that languages play a role in an ever smaller world .


  11. With the introduction of modern enterprise system and development of our business , people is growing recognition that corporate governance structure on firm performance in an important role .


  12. Higher demand for the urban afforestation is raised with the increasing requirements of the residential environment and growing recognition of the urban afforestation .


  13. There is a growing recognition that , in low-income countries , stronger IP protection is a barrier to access to medicines .


  14. Solar energy , which is one of the clean and renewable energy , has gained growing recognition from all countries and become the hotspot of researches .


  15. At present , there has been growing recognition that , under the viaduct space for local development , as well as residents of the far-reaching implications .


  16. Throughout the world and importantly in the developing world , there is a growing recognition that the path to prosperity must be built on a solid foundation of good governance .


  17. There is also a growing recognition on the part of management faculty that the type of research they conduct about corporations has potentially broad applications for other kinds of organisations .


  18. In recent years , the protection of intangible cultural heritage has become a focus in the field of art design with the public 's growing recognition of the importance of this protection .


  19. With the growing recognition of the importance of creative industries , many cities have gradually introduced some promotion policies , and the creative industries are at the stage of rapid development .


  20. With the advantages of smart cards has been growing recognition , it can be said that the applications of smart card has come to various areas , Sharp increase in market demand .


  21. These global problems have forced people to re-examine and adjust the relationship between man and nature . There is growing recognition that the economic development is not the only indicator to measure social development .


  22. There is a growing recognition that agriculture in developing countries must become " climate smart " to cope with the combined challenges of feeding a warmer , more heavily populated world .


  23. The influential new guidelines are being spurred by a growing recognition of kids ' nearly round-the-clock media consumption , which includes everything from television to texting and social media .


  24. There is growing recognition that the wireless network should be optimized better as the vigorous development was scored in mobile communication industry , the amount of subscribers keeps rising , market competition becomes more acute .


  25. There is growing recognition that a one-time pre-service teacher training alone has been unable to meet the needs of the professional development of teachers , therefore , teacher education teacher education institutions play an important role .


  26. It is well known that the CUBA is another grand basketball match after the CBA , which has been widely carried out in a lot of high schools , and gained a growing recognition .


  27. There is growing recognition that the good corporate governance mechanism will not only help to reduce agency costs and improves enterprise value , but also conducive to optimizing the allocation of funds , then promotes economic growth .


  28. As the growing recognition of this Museum , the most important problem what the Hu Guang Museum management need to work on is how we can get the largest economy return by best developing its tourism resources .


  29. But the company said its consumer business reported a 73 per cent growth in annual revenue in 2015 to $ 19.9bn , which it ascribed to improvements in its products and growing recognition as a consumer brand .


  30. Owing to its innovative products and growing recognition as a premium device brand , Huawei Consumer Group shipped in 139 million smartphones during 2016 , contributing to 25.9 billion U.S. dollars in annual revenue .
